The Mayans, Aztecs, Mexicans and the Caribbean are considered to be the first tobacco smokers. It was a kind of ritual and was not available to everyone. It was mainly priests who burned during the rituals. Cigarettes in common circulation appeared in the West in the 50th century. However, they gained popularity only in the XNUMXth century. Initially, Americans did not burn large amounts, it is estimated that the average citizen was able to burn about XNUMX a year. Cigarettes became a symbol of women's emancipation, and then simply a fashion. Research on the harmfulness of nicotine was not conducted until the times of the Third Reich. Currently smoking is considered an addiction. It has many side effects, especially health ones. There are, however, effective ways to quit smoking and fight addiction - see what!


Sticks for heater NEXUS Orange 10 pcs.

Original price was: PLN 139,90.Current price is: PLN 125,00.

Sticks for heater NEXUS Melon 10 pcs.

Original price was: PLN 139,90.Current price is: PLN 125,00.


Sticks for heater NEXUS 2% Menthol Strong/Mocna Mint Box, 10 pcs.

Original price was: PLN 139,90.Current price is: PLN 125,00.

Sticks for heater NEXUS FREE Blueberry 10 pcs.

Original price was: PLN 139,90.Current price is: PLN 125,00.

Sticks for heater NEXUS Melon 10 pcs.

Original price was: PLN 139,90.Current price is: PLN 125,00.

 The reasons for smoking

There can be many reasons for reaching for cigarettes. Scientists say that women smoke to relieve stress. Men use cigarettes to kill boredom and also for social reasons. Women become addicted faster, which is why anti-smoking therapy looks a bit different in them than in men. Nicotine affects the hunger center - after giving up a cigarette, you want to reach for food more often. Difficulties also occur due to the psychological aspects - addiction is accompanied by the mere habit of putting a cigarette to the mouth. They exist ways to quit smokingthat allow you to free yourself from addiction.

 Active and passive smoking

The World Health Organization determines that there are over 7000 chemical substances in tobacco smoke, about 70 of which are carcinogenic. Both active and passive smoking are harmful to your health. Being surrounded by a smoker makes a person inhale two types of smoke - the main one, which is blown by the smoker, and the side one, which comes from the tip of the glowing cigarette. So let's cut down on smoking when you're in the company or among children, and it's best to find your own way to quitting smoking.

Active smoking is defined as an activity in which harmful substances are burned and the resulting smoke is inhaled by humans. Long-term consumption of substances in the smoke has a bad effect on the brain, destroys the liver, damages blood vessels, increases the risk of a heart attack or stomach ulcer. In addition, smoking affects the condition of the skin - it reduces its elasticity, and also worsens the appearance of the teeth - unsightly stains and discoloration difficult to remove appear on them.

Passive smoking has a detrimental effect on the circulatory system, contributes to the development of cancer of the larynx, nasal sinuses, brain, bladder, stomach, rectum and breasts. It also causes respiratory conditions such as bronchitis, asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Secondhand smoke is also harmful to pregnant women. It can cause miscarriages, birth defects, low birth weight. Smoking in the presence of children negatively affects their health. They are at risk of developing respiratory symptoms, ear infections, asthma, difficulty concentrating, speech disorders, and even behavioral disturbances. Health considerations are therefore one of the main reasons why quitting smoking should take place.

 Effective ways to quit smoking

Quitting smoking is a long process and usually, in addition to willpower, also requires adequate support. Habit also makes it difficult not to reach for a cigarette during the break. It is worth starting with the appropriate mental preparation. A positive attitude and the right motivation is the first step to free yourself from addiction. The motivation can be health, aesthetic or even financial reasons. Research shows that a quarter of Poles smoke cigarettes, and on average spend around PLN 3000 on tobacco products, which is around PLN 230 per month. The money saved can be spent on passions or travels. Another stimulus to quit smoking it may be concern for the welfare of the family or the health of loved ones. It is worth looking for the positives in quitting smoking and remembering them constantly. It is also worth introducing physical activity, drinking plenty of water, new food products and more sleep into the daily routine. It is also worth asking your loved ones to quit smoking together with you, if they are also struggling with the addiction. Get rid of cigarettes at home and prepare a special compartment in your wallet for money that you would spend on cigarettes. Later, for this amount, you will be able to buy a reward for persevering in your decision. Quit smoking it is economical and profitable!

 What is good for quitting smoking?  

Nicotine addiction is combated with the use of nicotine replacement therapy. There are many different measures that contain specific doses of nicotine to satisfy the urge to smoke. Often, inhalers, patches or chewing gums are used to gradually reduce nicotine intake. Instead of another cigarette, it is better to choose a gum or an inhaler. In the case of patches quitting smoking it is spread over several or even several weeks. You are not allowed to smoke then. Before starting therapy, it is worth going to a doctor's appointment. It may be mobilizing to do basic tests and monitor them periodically. The noticeable improvement in health will surely please everyone who fights addiction.

Choosing the right therapy depends on the degree of addiction. In some cases, these methods will not be of help. Then it is necessary to introduce bupropion treatment. It is a drug that is also commonly used to treat depression. It reduces nicotine craving without causing any weight gain. The therapy usually lasts several weeks and requires taking the substance under the supervision of a specialist.

 The use of nicotine-free sticks in the fight against addiction

Another way to fight addiction is to switch from traditional cigarettes to electronic cigarettes. Devices known as heaters are a perfect solution. Their task is to heat the tobacco and make it burn, just like in the case of classic smoking. Thanks to this, the user can inhale nicotine, ignoring the side effects that are released during the combustion process. A brand-dedicated stick is placed inside it and activated with a button. It's good a quit smoking remedy, especially in the first few weeks. You can find nicotine sticks or sticks without nicotine salts on the market. This is what the NEXUS is like FREE! It is the best alternative to quit smoking, without nicotine, tobacco, or tar. This allows you to control the urge to smoke and gradually free yourself from nicotine. In addition, the smell does not transfer to the hands, nails, fingers and teeth, as in the case of traditional cigarettes. They also do not expose people in your environment to secondhand smoke. NEXUS nicotine-free sticks are less harmful. They are characterized by an interesting taste (for example, peach, melon or intense mint) and effectively support quitting smoking. They are based on tea extract and natural flavors. The tobacco heater is an aid in the fight against addiction. It allows you to reduce the urge to reach for a cigarette and satisfy the habit of putting a cigarette to your mouth. In addition, inhalation with a nicotine-free stick does not deliver harmful substances to the body. It is worth replacing a traditional cigarette with a smoke-free heater. Its design also deserves attention. It is stylish and looks beautiful in both female and male hands. You can use it at any time. Up to 15 sticks can be heated on one battery. Charging itself takes only an hour. Also in times of weakness, when you feel like smoking.

 The effects of smoking

The respiratory system suffers the most from smoking. The risk of developing lung innovators increases with the duration of addiction and the number of cigarettes smoked. Tar, harmful, hot gases and other compounds go to the lungs and bronchi, which gradually damage the cells. Coughing is another side effect of smoking. Tobacco smoke causes swelling in the airways, which promotes snoring and increases the risk of sleep apnea. The changes in the lungs contribute to the reduction of respiratory efficiency and, consequently, deterioration of the physical condition and reduction of the lung volume. Smokers are more prone to various types of infections, and have a worse history of pneumonia or bronchitis. Quitting smoking it will gradually help you regain your health and, above all, relieve your lungs.

Smoking cigarettes also effectively destroys teeth. Nicotine causes unsightly discoloration and yellowing, as well as a dark coating that can be seen with every smile. In some cases, even sandblasting cannot remove the deposits. Teeth whitening may also be less effective in smokers than in non-smokers. Teeth are also more prone to caries. Tartar builds up more quickly, mucosal cells are hypoxic, which causes periodontal disease. These, in turn, cause the bone to lower, reveal the necks of the teeth, which ultimately leads to the loss of teeth. In addition, an unpleasant odor often comes out of the smoker mouth, and the perception of taste stimuli deteriorates over a longer period of time. Various types of sores and wounds can also appear in the mouth. If they do not heal for 14 days despite treatment, they require a special intervention by a dentist or surgeon. It is also impossible to install implants in smokers.

 Are the effects of smoking reversible?

If you make up your mind to quit smoking, you can be sure that you will reduce the risk of developing mouth cancers. The recovery of the damage done by nicotine depends on the duration of the addiction and the number of cigarettes smoked per day. In most cases, the effects of smoking are reversible, but not completely reversible. The first changes can be observed just a few hours after the last cigarette you lit. Blood pressure is then normalized, thanks to which the whole body is more oxygenated. The taste and smell sensations also improve. During longer abstinence, better physical condition can be observed. Quitting smoking reduces the risk of coronary heart disease or lung cancer. The cough still remains and it also diminishes over time. People who have had obstructive pulmonary disease will unfortunately not regain their former efficiency, but quitting smoking will reduce the risk of developing cancer.

There is no zloty a quit smoking remedy, if the smoker does not make the decision to say goodbye to the addiction. Getting motivated and willing to quit smoking is the first step you need to take. Another is cognitive behavioral therapy, often supported by pharmacotherapy. The ability to control habits and a strong will are also important. The role of a specialist is to show the addict the way and that there are other methods to fight stress and healthy habits. Addiction treatment is a multi-stage process, so be patient. Warmers in which the smoker places nicotine-free sticks can be helpful, especially at the beginning. Thanks to this, the habit of putting a cigarette to your mouth can be satisfied. It will also work well at joint events or when going out at work for a break. Now you know, how to successfully quit smoking, bet on health, which is one of the most important values ​​in life.


Sticks for heater NEXUS 2% Menthol Strong/Mocna Mint Box, 10 pcs.

Original price was: PLN 139,90.Current price is: PLN 125,00.

Sticks for heater NEXUS FREE lemon 10 pcs.

Original price was: PLN 139,90.Current price is: PLN 125,00.

Sticks for heater NEXUS FREE 10 pcs.

Original price was: PLN 139,90.Current price is: PLN 99,90.

Sticks for heater NEXUS FREE Pineapple 10 pcs.

Original price was: PLN 139,90.Current price is: PLN 99,90.


Sticks for heater NEXUS 2% Menthol Strong/Mocna Mint Box, 10 pcs.

Original price was: PLN 139,90.Current price is: PLN 125,00.

Sticks for heater NEXUS FREE lemon 10 pcs.

Original price was: PLN 139,90.Current price is: PLN 125,00.
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Manufacturer of sticks and heaters

Nexus is a producer of a new generation of warmer sticks - designed to give maximum satisfaction like tobacco sticks. Series of sticks NEXUS with nicotine and NEXUS FREE free of tobacco, nicotine and tar, dedicated to physically active people who fully pursue their passions.

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