Quitting smoking is an extremely difficult process that makes it difficult for smokers before they can stop smoking completely. It is rare for a person to quit the addiction on the first attempt, usually there are several or even a dozen of such attempts.

However, this is not surprising as it is not easy to quit smoking. These people have to constantly fight their will and the symptoms of withdrawal syndrome, including withdrawal symptoms, including craving. To be successful, the most important thing is to want to and keep yourself convinced that you can do it.

Think about why you want to quit smoking

First of all, every smoker should make a list of reasons why they want to quit smoking. It is she who will be his anchor, keeping him in this strong resolve and difficult period. For this purpose, it is also worth finding out what prompts a person to reach for a cigarette. For this reason, we recommend that you take notes about exactly how you felt before the inflammation. This way, you can recognize what situations have pushed you to smoke tobacco products and know what you should avoid.


Sticks for heater NEXUS FREE strawberries 10 pcs.

Original price was: PLN 139,90.Current price is: PLN 125,00.

Sticks for heater NEXUS FREE Pineapple 10 pcs.

Original price was: PLN 139,90.Current price is: PLN 99,90.


Sticks for heater NEXUS FREE Blueberry 10 pcs.

Original price was: PLN 139,90.Current price is: PLN 125,00.

Sticks for heater NEXUS Melon 10 pcs.

Original price was: PLN 139,90.Current price is: PLN 125,00.

Sticks for heater NEXUS Orange 10 pcs.

Original price was: PLN 139,90.Current price is: PLN 125,00.
What should I do if I have a cigarette while I am quitting?
Find out about tips to help you quit smoking successfully

Find out more about the harmfulness of tobacco products

Knowledge and awareness of the smoker about the harmfulness of tobacco products is very important. Hence, get to know the composition of the cigarette packet, and in particular, check how much tar and nicotine is contained in one smoked cigarette. Then find out from specialists how cigarette smoke affects your health.

Information on tobacco products will help you to believe that you are doing it not only for your health, but also for your loved ones. Many people are more consciously switching to heating smoking, which may be one of the first steps to stopping smoking altogether.

Do not carry a pack of cigarettes with you

Do not buy any more cigarette carton, as this involves accumulating a large number of packages at home. Easily accessible packages will create an irresistible urge to smoke a cigarette one by one, even if you did not need them at all. Therefore, only buy one pack of cigarettes at a time.

Also, when you go to work, go shopping, take a walk or stay at home, try not to carry the package with you. It's best to keep her away so you don't know if you even give her cigarettes to someone else's care.

Ask your loved ones for help

The help of loved ones is invaluable in breaking every addiction. They will support you during these most difficult weeks and help you stick to your resolutions. Therefore, it is worth sharing with them your plan of action, namely how you want to quit smoking. This way, family and friends will be able to refine the plan, and even take part in it - if they smoke too. Quitting smoking with another person is much more fun than doing it yourself.

NEXUS sticks will help you quit smoking FREE

Tobacco warmers are now a less harmful method of smoking and provide a similar experience to smoking regular cigarettes. The only difference is that they do not emit smoke, ash or smell. As a result, they are also tar-free. The use of heaters allows you not only to feel the taste of tobacco, but also to keep your hands occupied. This, in turn, makes it possible to replace the daily ritual, so you do not feel the need to reach for a regular cigarette.

When we talk about quitting smoking and heating devices, we mean using special sticks made of plant essences, not tobacco and nicotine. NEXUS sticks FREE is an excellent example of herbal products, not resembling the composition of a cigarette in any way. Their recipe tries to reduce the symptoms of nicotine craving without introducing nicotine into the body. Smokers' needs are met only by plant essences, including tea polyphenol, flavone, saponin, linolenic acid oil, and folic acid.

Use of NEXUS sticks FREE they work better in heating devices than anti-smoking gums and tablets to reduce smoking withdrawal symptoms. See for yourself and try the tasting kit available in our online store nexus.cool.


Sticks for heater NEXUS 2% Menthol Strong/Mocna Mint Box, 10 pcs.

Original price was: PLN 139,90.Current price is: PLN 125,00.

Sticks for heater NEXUS FREE lemon 10 pcs.

Original price was: PLN 139,90.Current price is: PLN 125,00.

Sticks for heater NEXUS FREE 10 pcs.

Original price was: PLN 139,90.Current price is: PLN 99,90.

Sticks for heater NEXUS FREE Pineapple 10 pcs.

Original price was: PLN 139,90.Current price is: PLN 99,90.


Sticks for heater NEXUS 2% Menthol Strong/Mocna Mint Box, 10 pcs.

Original price was: PLN 139,90.Current price is: PLN 125,00.

Sticks for heater NEXUS FREE lemon 10 pcs.

Original price was: PLN 139,90.Current price is: PLN 125,00.
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Manufacturer of sticks and heaters

Nexus is a producer of a new generation of warmer sticks - designed to give maximum satisfaction like tobacco sticks. Series of sticks NEXUS with nicotine and NEXUS FREE free of tobacco, nicotine and tar, dedicated to physically active people who fully pursue their passions.

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